
Zemana Anti Keylogger and Anti Screen Capture Software Download

Zemana Anti Keylogger and Anti Screen Capture Software Download

Zemana Anti logger is the best
Identity Theft Protection
tool that protects your PC against keylogger attacks.

It blocks the entry of hackers who may effort to change the code of your PC or inject any malicious codes into your computer. It does so by encrypting your keystrokes deep into your estimator’southward core and whenever at that place is an effort to enter your PC it alerts the user.

Download Zemana Antilogger’s latest total version for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows ten, Windows XP, & Windows Vista PC. This is an offline installer setup file of Zemana Antilogger and will work for both 32-bit & 64-scrap operating systems.

Download Zemana Antilogger - Best Anti-Keylogger Software and Identity Theft

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Zemana Anti logger is known to work well with other alternative security software like LMT Antilogger every bit well so you can even use this as a secondary software along with antiviruses.

Makes it possible that your credit card numbers, social security numbers, and login credentials are transmitted deeply leaving attackers power­less.

Keystroke Logging Protection

Zemana AntiLogger allows you to camouflage your daily online activities-shopping, calling, texting, online banking, and more, so intruders can never get a pick into information technology.


Do you desire to see your data encrypted with ransomware? Definitely no. Utilise the best ransomware protection in the marketplace as according to MRG Effitas (study hither) and build your defence system.

Adware Removal

Detects and cleans browser add-on; adware infections, unwanted apps, and toolbars that you don’t even know how they appeared at that place.

Malware Scanner

Lightweight and efficient online malware scanner that detects malware and hidden malicious processes that may be sneaking on your PC.

Cypher-day Malware Protection

Each unknown file volition exist analyzed carefully in the cloud with Pandora Engineering before they execute on your PC, increasing zero­ day malware protection.

Existent-Time Protection

Works continuously in the background blocking infections earlier they achieve your PC in real-time.

24/7 Technical Support

In case y’all are experiencing some trouble with your AntiLogger, the Zemana back up team is there 24/7 to assist you.

Our Thoughts

Zemana Antilogger is a great tool that helps you to stay secure from hackers and prevent attempts to record and
steal private information
and blocks any suspicious activity. The program automatically updates the
virus definition

and too requires an cyberspace connection. In addition, this protects your daily online activities-shopping, online cyberbanking, calling, texting, and more.

Earlier you click the Scan push button, you should create a
system restore indicate

on your figurer. Scanning takes a couple of minutes, and it also requires a Network connection without an Net connection Zemana couldn’t connect to its Zemana Cloud. Zemana blocks any suspicious files from running and uploads them to Cloud for Scanning.

Zemana offers 30 days free trial version of its monitoring tool. Yous can upgrade to a 1PC 1-yr license for $34.95 or choose between the other suitable plans. All plans have

  • Fiscal Malware Protection
  • Keystroke Logging Protection
  • Screen Capture Protection
  • IntelliGuard – Deject Powered Early Response Organisation
  • Webcam Hijacking Protection
  • Microphone Hijacking Protection
  • Clipboard Remote Admission Protection
  • Organization Intrusion Protection
Zemana Antilogger Download


Zemana Antilogger

Version For Windows PC

🛡️ Prophylactic & Secure

Download Specs

  • License:
  • Platform:
    Windows OS
  • Language:
  • File Size:
    12.three MB
  • Downloads:
  • Developer:
    Zemana Ltd

Zemana Anti Keylogger and Anti Screen Capture Software Download


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